
Showing posts from September, 2022


There's Puerto Rican in the Latino culture. They listen to Hispanic music. They cut people up while there alive and kill them for execution. They have soft hair. They like spicy food. There aggressive. They speak Spanish. And they celebrate Cinco de mayo. What I want to know is why are they so aggressive.


    Today we took a pop quiz. I was easy but there were some challenging questions. I think I did well. I just want to know my score .

The Rockpile New Ending

        His head was near the shoe and he look at the shoe disgusted. The shoe was dirty and scattered with mud. He gets up and says "that's nasty how you got me picking up yo lunch box and you shoes look like that.... Do better." The stepdad gets angry slams the door and walks out. The mom mean mugged the son as she followed the step dad. He didn't care tho he sat down and played his video game until it was time for bed.


     Something that stands out in my neighborhood in Florida is how torn down it was. The thing that made the neighborhood unique is the fact that we could trust the people around us. My hood in Florida is good at times and bad at times. Yes my mom used to let me going outside and play with my chalk, my bike, and etc.

When I Knew Something Was Over

     I knew something was over when my ex was being weird. She was hanging up in my face. Also she would not talk to me for day. That really hurt my feelings and made me realize that it's over. It's over for good.

Some Thing That Didn't Get Better

      Something that didnt get better is my ability to not talk back. I've tried to just ignore people. But, there ignorant and I'm not going to let anyone disrespect me. Most likely because I wouldn't disrespect them.

A question I wish I asked

        A question I wish I asked was "when will you be back". Last week my mom went out of town. All she told me was that she would be home that night. I didn't know that she was going to be gone for 3 days leaving me with my aunt.

Something I Can't Deny

         Something I can't Deny is that I prefer girls other than boys. People judge me but I don't really care. I'm not going to deny it and I can't because that's me . I do what makes me happy.

Something I Am Certain Of

       Something I am certain of is my life after highschool. After highschool I want to be in the military. I want to make a living for me, my family, and future children. I am certain that I want to be happy when I'm older.

Long Thank You Letter

Dear Mom,       I thank you for raising me tobe the person I am today. I know I'm a lot to deal with but you never left. I thank you for helping me achieve my goals even if it hurts you financially. I know I don't have alot but I don't want a lot because I'm thankful for you and everything you do for me.

Secrets That Have Been Kept From Me

       A Secret that was kept from me was the fact that my ex was going on trips with her ex while we were dating. Another secret that was kept from me is that my grandfather was in the military. I was kinda of hurt and on the other hand relieved.

A Secret Being Revealed

     A big secret that was revealed was me being a lesbian. My mom didn't mine me liking girls. But, my grandma hater it with all her heart. I didn't care I just felt like they should know what I like and how I feel about what I like.

Something I Planned To Do

       Something I planned to do was go to Julliard. I love to dance and it's my passion. But, when I started highschool I found a passion for NJROTC. Now I want  to go to the military .

Someone I Forgot

        Someone I forgot about is an old friend from Tampa, Florida. She was my mom's best friends daughter. We went to the same performing arts school. Lastly her birthday is the say month, day, and year as mine.